Shaping the future of research

We rebranded an emerging global leader in research to prepare them for a new stage of growth.

Reso, formerly Gulf Researcher, is a Bahrain-headquartered research and business analytics company serving top global consultancies, organisations, and governments. In just over 10 years, they have expanded to offices in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and India, with plans for further global expansion.

They needed a brand that truly reflects the new stage of growth they are entering and captures their essence: innovative spirit, unmatched commitment to excellence, dynamic energy, and bold ambition.

What we delivered:
– Brand value proposition, strategy, and messaging
– Employer value proposition
– Name, strapline, and tone of voice
– Visual identity, brand guidelines and templates
– Website

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Research excellence redefined
Working closely with the leadership team, we explored various positioning scenarios and used the brand development process to crystallise their strategy. We discovered that Reso’s solutions don’t just deliver excellent research; they equip clients for tomorrow with a real commitment to clarity, rigour, excellence, precision, and partnership.

This led to the tagline “Research solutions for tomorrow” underpinned by three bold principles: “Intelligence you can rely on,” “Always on point,” and “Anticipating tomorrow, today.”

A name (and logo) with a twist
The new brand name “Reso” – short for research solutions – signals the firm’s expanding research capability and reach.

The logo spells out the name with a colon (“Re:so”) to add a dynamic visual element, symbolising a direct connection, continuity, and the partnership mindset they apply to their client relationships.

Collaborating with Dalton Maag, we developed distinctive typography that reinforces the brand’s innovative spirit.

True grid: Building blocks of innovation
The new visual identity and website flow from the strategic vision. We created a lively, bold website, based on a grid system with coloured blocks and a dynamic layout, offering a vibrant user experience.

The modular website has been built with future expandability in mind. Throughout the process, we worked with Reso to bring their precise, tailored, forward-thinking approach to life on the website, in every small detail.

Appealing to the very best talent
To support its fast growth, Reso needed to attract more, exceptionally talented people with the right attitude. We identified that what makes Reso people tick is a passion for the work they do, helping their clients to make informed decisions and plan for the future. This insight led to a compelling core purpose that sits at the heart of Reso’s employee value proposition: “Fuelling informed futures.”

It resonates with the bright and ambitious people at Reso, showcasing their shared mindset of pushing boundaries. It also highlights Reso’s commitment to building a community of current employees (#ResoPros) and alumni, supporting their growth.

Rebranding from Gulf Researcher to Reso was a significant milestone for our company, and Industry played a crucial role in bringing our vision to life. Industry's team demonstrated a deep understanding of our brand while displaying exceptional creativity. They truly felt like an extension of our team, putting themselves in our shoes and walking with us every step of the way.

From the initial concept development to the final brand rollout, Industry provided invaluable perspectives. Their strategic expertise captured the essence of our brand, creating a powerful identity that perfectly aligns with our new purpose and values. We're incredibly grateful for Industry's dedication and the leadership demonstrated during this rebranding process.

Mahmood AlSaleh, Managing Director at Reso

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